Borehole Water Treatment Systems
Boreholes make a great source of water. Once processed this can be used for large scale irrigation, feeding livestock or industrial processes.
With the right treatment it can also be used as drinking water.
Lubron’s quality borehole water systems will allow you to remove any impurities or contaminants before use.
Why would you need filter system for borehole water
Iron and Manganese in Boreholes
Iron is a major problem in borehole water. Agricultural use of water with high iron content causes irrigation equipment and drippers to clog up and eventually needs replacement. It also suppresses crop, vegetation and plant growth.
Domestic use of water with iron content will stain walls, laundry, baths, basins, toilets, and affect foods and beverage taste.
Water with high iron content will be seen as red discoloured water and forms insoluble rust particles. Concentrations above 0.3 mg/litre can cause staining over time.
Treat this with our range of borehole water iron removal filters.
Hardness in Boreholes
One of the other major contaminants found in borehole water is hardness caused by Calcium and Magnesium.
In industrial and commercial process water systems, this hardness can cause scale in pipework and boilers.
Hardness can be removed by Ion Exchange where the harmful Calcium and Magnesium are replaced by Sodium.
Lubron recommend our range of water softeners. For more information on our borehole water treatment systems, solutions and services, get in touch with an expert today.

FAQS about borehole water treatment
What can I use borehole water for?
Borehole water can be useful for a variety of different uses.
It is used in agriculture for irrigation and for livestock. In industry it can be used as process water or for washing down, and can be further treated for use as drinking water.
Is borehole water treatment necessary?
Any borehole water must be drinkable quality. Our team of experts at Lubron will analyse the water and, based on the results, suggest the most suitable treatment solution. We also offer installation and service for all of our borehole water filter systems to ensure the best quality for our customers.
Why do I have orange water stains from my water?
The orange colour from borehole water is usually associated with soluble ferrous iron in the water. Once in contact with the air, the ferrous iron is oxidised and becomes in-soluble. This can be removed with an Iron and manganese filter