Water tanks play a key role in storing and distributing water for domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes. However, over time, sediment and contaminants can build up inside them, impacting the quality of the water and presenting various health risks. This makes regular cleaning essential to maintain optimal water quality and ensure the safety of the stored water.

Whilst water tank cleaning depends on several factors, including the type of tank, water usage, and regulatory requirements, it’s generally recommended to clean water tanks at least once a year. More frequent cleaning may be necessary in areas where the water source contains high levels of sediment.

Factors influencing cleaning frequency

The frequency of domestic and commercial water tank cleaning depends on a number of factors, including:

  • Tank design and material. The design of the water tank and the materials used in its construction can affect its susceptibility to corrosion, sediment buildup, and microbial growth. Tanks made from durable materials such as stainless steel or fibreglass are less likely to deteriorate over time, which means they often require less frequent cleaning compared to those made from materials prone to rust or other types of degradation. The tank’s shape, access points and internal coatings can also determine how often it needs cleaning.
  • Water usage. Consider how much water is being stored and used from the tank on a regular basis. Higher water usage may mean the tank is refilled more often, which can result in increased sedimentation and higher levels of contaminants. More frequent cleaning can help prevent sediment buildup and maintain water quality.
  • Environmental Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and sunlight can cause algae and bacteria to grow more quickly within the water tank. If a tank is located in a very warm or humid climate, it’s likely to require more frequent cleaning.
  • Water quality testing. Ongoing water quality testing can help identify changes in water quality, which can indicate that the tank needs cleaning. Testing the pH level, chlorine level, and microbial contamination can provide key information about the condition of the water stored in the tank.

Recommended cleaning schedules for domestic and commercial tanks

Whilst there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to water tank cleaning, there are general guidelines to consider regarding frequency. For domestic water tanks, it’s advisable to clean the tank at least once a year. This is usually sufficient to maintain water quality and prevent the buildup of sediment and contaminants. However, if there are signs of contamination present such as discolouration, unpleasant odours, or changes in water taste, immediate cleaning may be necessary regardless of when the last clean was performed.

In commercial and industrial settings, where water is used for manufacturing processes or cooling systems, a cleaning schedule will vary based on factors such as water usage patterns, the nature of the processes involved, and regulatory requirements. Larger tanks used in industrial applications may need more frequent cleaning to prevent the buildup of contaminants and ensure consistent water quality.

For professional water tank cleaning, get in touch with the team at Lubron. We can provide expert cleaning services tailored to your specific needs.